You won’t be on your own at the UW
Even before you get here, you can rely on mentors who know what it’s like to be in your shoes. The MOR team, our Student Ambassadors, and the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity, work to create a diverse, inclusive campus where everyone can succeed.
MOR has five identity-based affinity groups and a team of dedicated admissions counselors. Our goal is to help connect you with people that understand your experience. We know that identity is complex and you may relate to more than one group. We welcome you to access any of our resources and to join the event or events that feel right to you.
If you’re unsure of where to go, contact us.

Find Your Community
American Indian/Alaska Native
At the University of Washington, you’re not only surrounded by Indigenous scholars and cultural-leaders, you’re supported by a passionate circle of teachers, students, staff, and advocates for your success. Our goal is always to create and expand spaces for our American Indian and Alaska Native community, both on and off campus. No matter what you study at UW, you’ll have the Native community by your side.
Events & Resources
“MOR was my first interaction with the University of Washington, prior to attending the institution. In high school, I attended Native American Student Day (NASD) with other Native students from my community. We were inspired by the opportunities, activities, and space that UW and MOR provided for Native American students. That interaction, along with my identity and priority towards my community, led to my work in diversity and education.”
Anthropology Minor
Comanche Tribal Nation
Campus Connections
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
AISES is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) studies and careers.
ASUW American Indian Student Commission (AISC)
The AISC is a UW Inter-Tribal organization which exists to promote Native culture, education and Native students’ interests, needs and welfare. AISC supplements and complements the formal education of Native students at the University. We encourage the expression of Native students’ opinions and interests to the UW and the community at large.
Center for American Indian & Indigenous Studies
CAIIS offers several programs to support the recruitment, retention, and success of Native and Indigenous students, staff and faculty. CAIIS programming includes the Native Pathways Program, the Native UW Scholars Program, and the creation of the UW Canoe Family.
First Nations at UW
One of the largest Native American and Alaska Native student organizations on campus, First Nations at UW hosts events on and off campus to educate the community about Native cultures, spreading awareness to issues affecting the Native community and upholding our respective customs and traditions.
Medicine Wheel Society (MWS)
MWS is dedicated to promoting American Indian/Alaska Native/Indigenous culture, education, and advancement in health care and diversity in medicine. MWS brings together the people, traditions, customs, and the spirit which enable our AI/AN/Indigenous students to maintain their sense of community while in medical school.
Native American Advisory Board (NAAB)
The Native American Advisory Board advises the University of Washington’s Vice President for Minority Affairs & Diversity on outreach and retention strategies for Native students, faculty and staff.
Native American Law Students Association (NALSA)
NALSA’s mission is to strengthen the legal community with excellent Indian law students, to better educate our people, protect our lands, and preserve our culture. Activities include recruitment trips in Washington State, pow-wows, symposia and speakers, and annual trips to the Federal Indian Law Conference.
Native Faculty and Staff
The Native Faculty and Staff Association seeks to focus on initiatives specifically related to the well being of the University of Washington’s Native Faculty and Staff.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS UW Chapter focuses on academic and community outreach at college and K-12 levels. UW SACNAS is very dedicated to academic outreach and excellence, and has thus been nationally recognized.
wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House
wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House is a longhouse-style facility on the UW Seattle campus. It provides a multi-service learning and gathering space for American Indian and Alaska Native students, faculty and staff, as well as others from various cultures and communities to come together in a welcoming environment to share knowledge.
Black/African American
The Black/African American community at the UW is an ethnically diverse and global community. Black students have played a critical role as change makers throughout UW’s history, continuing the work to create a more equitable and inclusive campus for all. The Black/African American community is an ambitious group united by our sense of belonging and common goals.
Events & Resources
“The UW was an all-encompassing school that didn’t make me choose my interests over one another. I had the opportunity, spirit and environment of a large institution — and the tight-knit community of a small one.”
Campus Connections
African Student Association (ASA)
ASA is a diverse group of students whose mission is to unify the African student body with the University of Washington and strives to reach African youth in obtaining higher education. Through outreach programs, community service and social events ASA provides support for the African Students on Campus and beyond.
Association of Black Business Students (ABBS)
The ABBS recruits, organizes, assists and in any other way, promotes the interest and success of black students in the business environment. ABBS seeks to increase the number of Black applicants to the business school and to provide a professional and social network for current business students and members.
Association of Black Social Work Students (ABSWS)
ABSWS is committed to enhancing the quality of life and empowering people of African ancestry through advocacy, human services, and research. Our purpose is to provide a structure and human forum through which student members can exchange ideas, offer support, and develop programs in the interest of the Black student body.
ASUW Black Student Commission
The mission of the Black Student Commission is to provide students of Black/African heritage with a cohesive community at the University of Washington, while creating and maintaining a positive environment with resources for the students to achieve academic success.
Black Law Student Association (BLSA)
BLSA promotes fellowship and community among all students at the University of Washington’s School of Law. The organization provides Black law students a forum for expressing the needs and concerns; to develop future Black leadership; and to open lines of communication between Black law students and the larger Black community.
Black Student Union (BSU)
The Black Student Union works to establish a cohesive union between Black students, Black faculty, other Black organizations and the greater UW community. BSU exists to enhance cultural and political awareness, sponsor social events and provide support for the students and the community.
Minorities in Tech at the University of Washington
Minorities in Tech at the University of Washington acts as a forum to build and foster a diverse community that increases solidarity, allyship, and support to promote higher retention rates of minorities within the technology industry and academia.
Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS)
MAPS at the University of Washington is dedicated to helping underrepresented individuals realize their potential in health care fields. Through our community service and support, we are committed to promoting and enhancing health among minorities, which enables us to educate ourselves so we can better address health concerns.
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)
The UW NABA Chapter is a Foster Student organization focused on bridging the gap for students of color in the accounting, finance, information systems Majors. The main goal of the UW students chapter is to meet the professional needs of its members and to build leaders that will shape the future of the accounting and finance profession.
National Pan-Hellenic Council
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is the cooperative governing body of nine historically African American fraternities and sororities, also known as the Divine Nine, at the University of Washington.
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
Sisterhood’s aim is to represent a sense of belonging and understanding between African American women on all levels: undergraduate, graduate, educational (professors/staff).
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
Talofa lava, Aloha, Malo e Lelei, Ia Orana, Hafadai, Bula Vinaka, and Kia Ora! The UW Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander community is made up of people with ethnic backgrounds connected to Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. The community is comprised of students from Micronesia, Melanesia, and Polynesia, however, people of all identities are welcome.
At the UW, we help ensure Pacific Islander students can navigate (like our ancestors) through higher education and find a community that is right for you. Many of us are first generation college students or are experiencing some of our first moments away from home. That is why we have resources, clubs, and organizations to help you find the pathway that is best for you.
Events & Resources

Meet Your Counselor
Micah HatchieI want all students to feel like the UW is a welcoming space. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions. I’m here to support you!
“My community found me! Students from the Polynesian Student Alliance were walking around campus during move-in days and took such good care of me. Now they’re some of my best friends.”
Campus Connections
API Cares
A programming and event planning board that exists to advocate for Mental Health and Self Care awareness in the Asian and Pacific Islander community. Stop by the PISC Office if you would like to know more!
Asian/Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)
APALSA was formed to organize, support, and promote the concerns within Asian and Pacific Islander minorities in the legal profession and to increase ethnic diversity and awareness in the law school and legal profession.
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)
UW APAMSA’s goals are to educate health sciences students on health issues affecting the APA community in Seattle and in the WWAMI region so that we may provide culturally-effective care for APA patients; provide opportunities for service, partnership, and outreach; and promote mentorship and networking.
ASUW Pacific Islander Student Commission (PISC)
PISC exists to empower, support, and bring together the Pacific Islander student population at the University of Washington. Through programming, advocacy, and cultural celebration, the Pacific Islander Student Commission strives to create a spirit of home thousands of miles away from our roots in Polynesia, Micronesia, Melanesia, and the Philippines.
Hui Hoaloha ‘Ulana- Hawai’i Club
Translated as “a group woven together in friendship”, Hui Hoaloha ‘Ulana weaves lifelong bonds among students brought together by their love for Hawai’i. We unite students from all over the University of Washington community through participating in various social and cultural events, as well as sharing our aloha spirit in Seattle.
Micronesian Islands Club
Pacific Islander Partnerships in Education (PIPE)
PIPE is a mentorship program designed to help students cope with the rigorous academic life. Upper class students are placed as mentors to the incoming freshmen to help them with academic and personal concerns. With big brothers and sisters to lead and guide, our hope is to take care of each other as family, making sure that our goals are reached and accomplished.
Polynesian Student Alliance
The Polynesian Student Alliance works to establish unity amongst those interested and respectful of the Polynesian culture, and promote Polynesian cultural identity through song, dance, traditions and customs. The Alliance also engages in outreach and recruitment of high school students.
Bienvenidos (welcome) to the Hispanic/Latino community at the UW. The Hispanic/Latino community includes but is not limited to students from Latino or Hispanic descent. Our students represent various nationalities including from Mexico, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, and many other Latin American and Spanish speaking countries. There are many events for you to get to know other Latino Huskies and join the UW Latino community!
Events & Resources
“I knew the UW was the right decision for me because of how inclusive it was, how it welcomed not only me but my family. It welcomed my mom in Spanish — her language. I didn’t have to translate it.”
Campus Connections
Association of Latino Professionals for America
ALPFA UW serves to enhance both the personal and professional development of our members in their journey to becoming Leaders for Impact. As part of a national organization our members have access to networking, professional leadership development, paid summer internships, regional symposiums, and the ALPFA National Convention.
ASUW La Raza Student Commission
La Raza Commission aims to promote cultural empowerment; educating others about Latinx/Chicanx culture and histories; avenues of discussion about diverse intersecting identities; higher education for; recognizing and honoring elders; striving for socio-economic justice; addressing political/social issues, and recognizing and combating gender inequalities.
Chicanos/Latinos For Community Medicine
Chicanos/Latinos For Community Medicine at the UW strives to improve the health outcomes of the underserved minority populations through education, activism, and supporting our members as we pursue future careers in the various health care fields.
Hispanic Student Dental Association
The Hispanic Dental Association aims to create a unified voice for oral health students and faculty and seeks to promote and advance the oral health issues of the Hispanic community in Washington.
The Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA)
LMSA is a national organization of students, alumni and health professionals whose mission is to unite and empower medical students through service, mentorship and education to advocate for the health of the Latino community.
Latinx Student Union
The Latinx Student Union is committed to building a friendly, supportive and empowering community for Latinx students from different cultural and racial backgrounds. We also seek to promote Latinx culture and raise awareness of issues within the Latinx community through cultural, academic, and social events.
The Latinx Law Students Association (LLSA) )
LLSA is dedicated to providing mentorship for youth interested in law and newly admitted law students, sponsoring outreach programs and other events aimed at educating and creating awareness of issues affecting our communities, and serving as a social support network for our members.
MEChA at the University of Washington is a student organization that promotes higher education, cultura, & historian. MEChA was founded on the principles of self-determination for the liberation of our people.
Minorities in Tech at the University of Washington
Minorities in Tech at the University of Washington acts as a forum to build and foster a diverse community that increases solidarity, allyship, and support to promote higher retention rates of minorities within the technology industry and academia.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS UW Chapter focuses on academic and community outreach at college and K-12 levels. UW SACNAS is very dedicated to academic outreach and excellence, and has thus been nationally recognized.
Southeast Asian
The Southeast Asian community is for anyone who has origins from Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian students from, but not limited to the Khmer, Khmer Loeu, Khmer Krom, Hmong, Mien, Khmu, Lao, Taidam, Tai Lue, Vietnamese, Cham, Montagnards, Karen ethnic heritages. This community also includes students from Bhutanese and Burmese heritages, however, people of all identities are welcome. At the University of Washington, we want to ensure Southeast Asian students who may be the first in their family to pursue post-secondary opportunities will have access to resources to nurture and support your academic success, and cultivate a sense of belonging through community.
Events & Resources

Meet Your Counselor
Mimi ToI want all students to feel like the UW is a welcoming space. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions. I’m here to support you!
Campus Connections
API Cares
A programming and event planning board that exists to advocate for Mental Health and Self Care awareness in the Asian and Pacific Islander community. Stop by the PISC Office if you would like to know more!
Asian/Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)
APALSA was formed to organize, support, and promote the concerns within Asian and Pacific Islander minorities in the legal profession and to increase ethnic diversity and awareness in the law school and legal profession.
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA)
UW APAMSA’s goals are to educate health sciences students on health issues affecting the APA community in Seattle and in the WWAMI region so that we may provide culturally-effective care for APA patients; provide opportunities for service, partnership, and outreach; and promote mentorship and networking.
Burma/Myanmar Student Association
We are a community of Myanmar students here at the University of Washington. Founded in Spring 2012, our mission is to spread cultural awareness. We’re here to add to the diversity of the UW community and educate others about our culture and traditions.
Khmer Student Association
The Khmer Student Association at the University of Washington, also referred to as KhSA at UW, was formed to spread Khmer culture, and to foster its students through their college careers so that they can adjust to the academic and social life at the UW.
Lao Student Association
The Lao Student Association at the University of Washington is a student-led club dedicated to enriching, empowering and uniting Lao American students.
Southeast Asia Center
SEAC is a National Resource Center for Southeast Asian Studies funded by the US Department of Education. The Center is a source of information on the peoples and cultures of Southeast Asia for the University of Washington, for K-12 teachers and post-secondary educators, for the Greater Puget Sound area, Washington State, and the nation.
Southeast Asian (SEA) Community, Education & Leadership Network
The purpose of the SEA Community, Education & Leadership Network website is to centralize the Southeast Asian-focused resources available on the UW Seattle campus. We understand the university can be a challenging environment for those coming from Southeast Asian communities and difficult to navigate for anyone who is new to the campus.
Vietnamese Student Association
The Vietnamese Student Association at the University of Washington (VSAUW) is a registered student organization. VSAUW is a cultural, social, and civically engaged organization. We strive to make an impact to our campus and city community by learning, educating, and taking action.