Multicultural Outreach & Recruitment

Anastacia Mikaele

Anastacia Mikaele

Year: Senior

Hometown: Vancouver, WA

Affinity Group: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

Major: Medical anthropology

Minor: Oceania and Pacific Islander studies

Languages Spoken: English and Spanish

Why I came to the UW: For years it has been a school close to home where I saw people who looked like me achieving things I wish to accomplish

Emoni Valdovines

Year: Senior

Hometown: Richland, WA

Affinity Group: Hispanic/Latino

Major: Public Health

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish

Why I came to the UW: I chose the UW because I knew I could find my community with the diverse student body, I wanted to challenge myself academically, and with a bigger school there was more opportunities for things like internships and research.

Bryan Aguilar Campos

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Federal Way, WA

Affinity Group: Hispanic/Latino

Major: Business Administration, Certificate in International Business, Certificate in International Business

Languages Spoken: English & Spanish

Why I came to the UW: I chose the University of Washington not just to pursue higher education, but to become the leader and change-maker for my community, family, and future.

Abigail Moran

Year: Senior

Hometown: Granger, WA

Affinity Group: Hispanic/Latino

Major: Psychology

Minor: Law Societies and Justice

Languages Spoken: English and Spanish

Why I came to the UW: I chose to come to the UW because I knew it could provide me with not only the best quality education, but also with endless opportunities that would help me grow and flourish now and in my future career.

Clarissa Morninggun

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Seattle, WA

Affinity Group: American Indian/Alaskan Native

Major: Public Health

Languages Spoken: English

Why I came to the UW: UW Medical School.

Noelia Rivera Garcia

Year: Senior

Hometown: Pasco, WA

Affinity Group: Hispanic/Latino

Major: Political Science

Minor: Law, Societies and Justice and Human Rights

Languages Spoken: English and Spanish

Why I came to the UW: I chose to come to the UW because of the great programs and resources they offered me as a First-generation Latina student.

Graciela Knudsen

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Federal Way, WA

Affinity Group: Hispanic/Latino

Major: Speech and Hearing Sciences

Minor: Spanish

Languages Spoken: English, Spanish

Why I came to the UW: I chose the UW not only for the location, but for the many opportunities it has as a top school in the state and the nation 🙂

Esmeralda Valdes Guerrero

Year: Senior

Hometown: Federal Way, WA

Affinity Group: Hispanic/Latino

Major: Psychology and ECO

Languages Spoken: English and Spanish

Why I came to the UW: I chose to come to the University of Washington because I wanted to get an education from a school that would challenge me and allow me to grow into the adult and scholar I always imagined myself to be.

Iyanu Sofowora

Year: Senior

Hometown: Everett, WA

Affinity Group: Black/African American

Major: Business Admin: Information Systems and Marketing

Languages Spoken: English

Why I came to the UW: There are so many opportunities for students here to thrive and I wanted to partake in that.

Thuwaybah Sheikh

Year: Junior

Hometown: Kent, WA

Affinity Group: Black/African American

Major: Informatics

Languages Spoken: English

Why I came to the UW: I chose the UW not only because of its vibrant community, but also because it stood out to me as the perfect place to grow personally and professionally, surrounded by inspiring people and a culture of innovation!